Monday, March 05, 2007

Dee's Gray Hat by Kenneth Claes

Dee's Gray Hat, 20" x 16", Oil on Canvas


Rob by Kenneth Claes

Rob, 14" x11", Oil on Canvas Panel


Jennifer by Kenneth Claes

Jennifer, 20" x 16", Oil on Canvas


Floppy Blue by Kenneth Claes

Floppy Blue, 20" x 16" Oil on Canvas Panel


Prussian Beauty by Kenneth Claes

Prussian Beauty, 16" x 12" , Oil on Linen

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Monday, October 02, 2006

The Riley Girl by Kenneth Claes

The Pink Hat by Kenneth Claes

Pearl by Kenneth Claes

Moon Lady by Kenneth Claes

Lady Sarah by Kenneth Claes

Kelli by Kenneth Claes

Day Dreams by Kenneth Claes

Buddha I Buddha by Kenneth Claes

Blue Hair Lady by Kenneth Claes

Monday, September 18, 2006

About the Artist - Kenneth Claes

Ken Claes was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and received his degree in Architecture from Lawrence Technological University in 1973. While attending LTU he won the Michigan Masonry Institute design competition. He also studied watercolor, and pastel with R. Darrow Champlin and Max Wright. After becoming a board certified architect, he worked in the construction industry, while maintaining his interest in painting and drawing.

Having recently retired, he renewed his interest in art and is a member of the Scarab Club in Detroit, and the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, attending classes and workshops with Gail mally-mack Carole Kabrin, and Leslie Masters.

Ken continues painting full time at his home and studio in Farmington Hills, Michigan, working mainly in oil on interpretative figurative works, while participating in a few juried shows.

Kenneth D Claes 2/26/2006
Farmington Hills, Michigan
